Home > Newsletters > Fall, 2017
I hope everyone had a good summer with plenty of time for reading.
Due to health problems, Lauren Casey stepped down from the presidency of The Friends of the Library. We thank her so much for the service she has given. As Vice President, I have become President.
Do you wonder what the purpose of the Friends might be? We support the library in many different ways.
We sponsored the continental breakfast for the exhibitors at the Fall Festival held at The Grounds for Sculpture on October 14 of this year.
Also we helped with the summer reading program, and contributed to the golf outing. We understand that the golf outing was very successful and everyone had a good time.
It is my privilege to be your President. If you are not already a member, please consider joining The Friends of the Library. It is wonderful to give back to a place that has given us so much.
Joan Leonard
The next meeting of the Friends will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M., followed by lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 P.M. The location is the Joseph Kohn Training Center (JKTC) located at 130 Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick, NJ. Directions to the JKTC will appear at the end of this newsletter. Anyone wishing to stay for lunch will be asked to contribute $5.00 toward the cost of the food. Please call Mary Jo Partyka at 609 888-5459 by November 25 to advise us of your attendance so we can plan for lunch. We hope you will consider joining us for an informative and important meeting.
If you cannot attend the meeting we would like to invite you to dial in to the conference call. Please note; this is not a toll free number. On June 10th at 10 AM dial 605-468-8005. Enter the access code 425 373#. You will be asked to press 1 after the access code is repeated correctly.
The Sixth Annual TBBC Golf Classic was another successful fundraiser held on Monday June 12th at Hopewell Valley Golf & Country Club in Hopewell NJ. We credit this success to our sponsors, golfers, staff and volunteers. The Friends of the New Jersey Library for the Blind & Handicapped were one of 8 very generous sponsors of the day’s event. The Friends were kind enough to Sponsor the Lunch, The Course Hospitality, and The Putting Contest. The remaining funds were used for prizes for the 1st and 2nd Place Teams. 32 golfers enjoyed a fun filled day of golf, contests, fine dining, auctions, prizes and awards. 25 various donors contributed to the Tricky Tray and Silent Auction and Prizes for the golfers. At the end of the day, we were very satisfied with the results of our fundraiser that profited $3,386.92 and look forward to next year’s golf event.
Linda Cerce
On October 14th The Grounds For Sculpture graciously hosted another successful biennial Fall Festival for the Talking Book & Braille Center. 180 patrons and their guests enjoyed this perfect day that began with a 2 hour exclusive Continental Breakfast with the vendors generously sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Patrons were able to view 15 various vendors displaying information on the latest technological products and services geared to enhance their overall quality of life. Following the breakfast patrons attended pre-registered hands-on Art Workshops: Woven Newspaper and Creating Art Using Your Mind’s Eye. In addition to the art workshops, patrons also attended pre-registers Guided Walking Touch Tours of the Grounds.
8 well-trained volunteers assisted patrons and 8 staff members of TBBC also contributed their time to ensure this popular event ran effectively. We have received numerous positive phone calls and completed surveys from satisfied patrons thanking us for the event and are eagerly awaiting our next Fall Festival.
Thanks to our generous Sponsors and Vendor we raised $1,725.00. And a wonderful in kind contribution made by the Grounds for Sculpture to the event valued at $14,375.
Linda Cerce
On September 11, members participated in the NJSLTBBC Book Club, both in person and by phone. Karen Carson led the discussion of the books that were chosen for this session which included Z: The Story of Zelda Fitzgerald by Threse Ann Fowler and Dance of the Bones by J. A. Jance. The discussion was lively and the group found Dance of the Bones much easier to read than the Zelda Fitzgerald book. However, one of the benefits of a book club is to expose members to books that they may not otherwise have read.
Our next book club meeting will take place on Monday, December 4. The Following books will be discussed.
One Police Plaza DB 51265
Caunitz, William J. Reading time 10 hours, 49 minutes.
Read by George Guidall-Shapiro. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.
Subjects: Mystery and Detective Stories
Description: New York City police detective Dan Malone becomes suspicious of the murder of a low-level clerk who inexplicably had access to an elite club. When Malone discovers other odd contradictions in the victim's background, he is removed from the case but decides to solve the crime alone. Strong language. 1984.
The woman in cabin 10 DB85729
Ware, Ruth. Reading time: 11 hours, 0 minutes.
Read by Theresa Conkin.
Suspense Fiction
Mystery and Detective Stories
Psychological Fiction
After a nightmarish break-in, British journalist Lo Blacklock is exhausted but happy to board the exclusive cruise ship the Aurora on assignment. But when she awakens to the sounds of a woman being thrown overboard, Lo's nightmare begins in earnest. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2016.
I hope you will consider joining us in December.
The dial-in number for the conference call is 605 4753220. /after the call goes through, you will be asked to put in the participant access code which is 672445 pound. Follow the prompts and you will be asked to press the number 1. At that point, you will be entered into the conference.
Mary Jo Partyka
The Friends would like to thank Barbara Pirie and the Metuchen Lions Club for their generous donations. As we support the Library in any way we can, the contributions are most welcome. Thank you!
At our June 2018 meeting, the Friends will be electing the slate of officers who will be holding positions for the next 2 years. The Nominating Committee, appointed by President Joan Leonard, consists of Lauren Casey, Lee Tilden and Bernie Zuckerman. If you would like to be considered for an office, please contact one of the committee members at Friendsnjlbh@yahoo.com or (609) 912-0657.
This is a friendly reminder that our annual dues for FY 2018 annual dues are past due. If you have not sent them in yet please do so ASAP.Please send your dues and donations to the Friends mailing address and write your check out to the Friends of the Library for the Blind and Handicapped. The Friends appreciate your efforts and your participation in helping the NJSLTBBC meet its goals. A membership form is attached to this newsletter for those who wish to join the Friends or pay dues. Dues are $10.00 for an individual membership and $25.00 for a family membership. These dues cover the 12 month period from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.
The newsletter is available in Large Print, E-Mail, on our website http://friendsnjlibraryfortheblind.org and for those who do not have computers, by telephone on Newsline. You can access these Newsletters with a Newsline subscription and a touch-tone telephone. If you do not have a Newsline subscription, contact Reader Services at the New Jersey Talking Book and Braille Center at 1-800-792-8322 to get signed up for a Newsline subscription. If you have a Newsline subscription, but do not remember your login information, contact Christian Riehl at the above number extension 821. Once you have secured your login information, dial in to the service by calling 1-888-882-1629, or the local dial up number provided to you for accessing the service. Follow the prompts for logging in and reading the Newsletters. Choose option 2 off the main menu for your state’s information channel, followed by option for the blindness groups, then the option for the Friends Newsletters. Happy reading.
Please check out our website for information on community services as well as present and past copies of our newsletters at http://friendsnjlibraryfortheblind.org/
Directions to the Next Meeting
130 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-2421
Cross Street: Seaman Street
From the North
South on Route 1 to Route 18 heading toward New Brunswick.
Get off Route 18 at the New Street ramp.
Turn slight right onto New Street/ NJ 26.
Take the 2nd left onto Livingston Avenue/NJ 26.
Turn left onto Seaman Street and left into the JKTC parking lot.
From the South
North on Route 1 to Livingston Avenue/NJ 26 toward New Brunswick.
Turn right onto Seaman Street and left into the JKTC parking lot.
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________
Telephone (with area code): __________________________________
E-mail address: ____________________________________________
Preferred Media Format:
LP____ E-mail_____ or None I will read online_____
I am eligible for TBBC Services: Yes ___ No ___
Individual Member $10.00 ___ Family Membership $25.00 ___
Donation $ _________
Donation in Memory or Honor of Name: __________________________
Send acknowledgment for memorial gift to:
Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________
I have made a bequest in my will _____