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Fall 2007 Newsletter Friends of the New Jersey Library for the Blind and Handicapped PO Box 434, Woodbridge NJ 07095 |
We are finally on the last stage of our official name change. It was ratified by the Friends, filed by our attorney, and at present pending State approval.
It is an exciting time to be a Friend with all the activities and programs the NJLBH has going on. The NJLBH Fall Festival was held on Saturday, October 13th. The Friends should be proud of their participation. They helped contribute to its success by providing funds to pay for the speakers and the yummy food provided at the event. Additional funds were raised by our own sales of Friends merchandise.
The Regional Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) is a resource center for training and evaluation housed at NJLBH. It opened on July 31, 2007. The ribbon cutting ceremony was electrifying as we entered the room full of modern technology. The center consists of computers with adaptive software, desk top and portable CCTVs, and other various devices for learning. As each piece of equipment was described to us, we marveled at the new technology.
The next meeting for the Friends will be on December 1, 2007 at the Library. The meeting will be from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Breakfast and lunch will be provided and we request a $5.00 per person charge to cover the cost. Effective January 1, 2008, dues will be $15.00 for a single membership and $30.00 for a family membership. This increased amount will cover a longer than normal period of time as we adjust our coverage period to match the new fiscal year. The $15/$30 rates will cover the period from January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
At the December meeting we will vote on a proposed amendment to the Friends By-Laws. This amendment was proposed by Jim Dougherty at the June 2, 2007 meeting. Be prepared to vote on the proposed amendment. The change is in Article IV of the newly adopted By-Laws. "The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint two executive board members at large with Board approval"
The holiday season is upon us and while you are deciding what gifts to give to others, think of the Friends. Sometimes charitable giving is requested instead of a personal gift. May we suggest a donation made to the Friends of the NJLBH? Do not forget that Friends merchandise also make great gifts.
The following are the officers of the Friends of the NJLBH: Robert Rindt, President; Elisabeth Dougherty, Vice-President, Ottilie Lucas, Secretary; and Joyce Sowa, Treasurer. There are two new Board members: John Vernon and Douglas Heine. Another new position is for public relations. Mary Jo Partyka has been nominated. Her responsibility is to publicize the NJLBH's events for the Friends.
Hope to see all of you at the next meeting. The Friends of the NJLBH and the NJLBH appreciate all your efforts enabling NJLBH to provide for the needs of its patrons.
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Friends of the NJLBH
PO Box 434 Woodbridge, NJ 07095